The Smart Woman's Guide to Midlife and Beyond
HomeJanet Horn MD, Robin H. Miller MDThe BookExcerpt from The Smart Woman's Guide to Midlife and BeyondBlog of Janet Horn and Robin H. MillerAudio/VideoPress RoomContact Dr Janet Horn nad Dr. Robin H. Miller

"Drs. Horn and Miller have superb training and years of practical experience caring for women patients. It shows on every page of this excellent book.”
--The Honorable Glenda Hatchett, star of the nationally syndicated television program, “Judge Hatchett

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The Doctor is Human By Dr. Robin Miller
Healthcare has become a maze of insurance companies, regulations and lack of access to providers. Part of what makes it so complicated is all the charting and coding doctors must do. All of this takes away from patient care. Doctors spend more time on their computers than with patients. In my opinion, it has caused […]Read More



Let us be right up front as you start reading. This book is not about becoming young again. Don’t get us wrong, we loved our younger years. We had great times back then. But even if we could be young again, that would mean we wouldn’t get to enjoy the benefits and wisdom that all our years have given us, or the confidence that comes only with experience. We want to feel good at the age we are now. And we want to continue to feel good as we grow older.

Another thing this book is not about is the hot new trend in everything from cosmetics to medicine known as “anti-aging.” Don’t get us wrong about this either. We don’t like what aging does to our bodies any more than you do. But like Nora Ephron, in her wonderful book I Feel Bad about my Neck, we’re tired of everyone chirping about how fabulous it is to get older physically. To the contrary, physical aging can be tough, especially if we’re not prepared to deal with it.

Over the years, most of us have had occasion to fight for what we believe in and/or for what we want. And that’s good…especially when there’s a chance our efforts will yield results. But there are times when being “anti” something can be counterproductive. In other words, sometimes it is better to work with the process rather than against it. Along those lines, we like the Dove commercials and products (not the ice cream, the soap—but we love the ice cream too) that are “pro” healthy aging. So, we feel that we can stay healthy by working along with our bodies as they change with time, not fighting against them. We believe that as our bodies change, we need to change too. After all those years of taking care of everyone else, now is the time to take care of ourselves.

Bottom line: we believe that it’s possible to get older and keep feeling good; we just have to be prepared to work at it in the right way with the right tools. And, if in the process of staying fit and maintaining our health, we physically feel much as we did when we were twenty—so much the better!



| Janet Horn, M.D. | Robin Miller, M.D. | The Smart Woman's Guide to Midlife and Beyond | Excerpt | Author Blogs | Audio/Video | Press Room | Contact

The Smart Woman's Guide to Midlife and Beyond
A No-Nonsense Aproach to Staying Healthy After 50

Published by New Harbinger Publications
September 2008
paperback / 264 pages
ISBN-13: 9781572245563
ISBN-10: 1572245565

Copyright ©2008 Janet Horn, M.D. & Robin H. Miller, M.D.
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