Taylor Coefficients and Coefficient Multipliers of Hardy and by Miroljub Jevtic,Dragan Vukotic,Milos Arsenovic

By Miroljub Jevtic,Dragan Vukotic,Milos Arsenovic

This ebook presents a scientific assessment of the speculation of Taylor coefficients of features in a few classical areas of analytic services and particularly of the coefficient multipliers among areas of Hardy sort. delivering a accomplished reference advisor to the topic, it's the first of its sort during this quarter. After numerous introductory chapters protecting the fundamental fabric, a wide number of effects got over the last eighty years, together with the latest ones, are taken care of in detail.

Several chapters finish with discussions of functional functions and comparable themes that graduate scholars and specialists in different matters may perhaps locate precious for his or her personal reasons. hence, yet another target of the publication is to speak to non-specialists a few concrete evidence which may be of worth of their personal paintings. The e-book is usually used as a textbook or a supplementary reference for a complicated graduate path. it truly is essentially meant for experts in advanced and practical research, graduate scholars, and specialists in different similar fields.

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