Spectral Theory of Operator Pencils, Hermite-Biehler by Manfred Möller,Vyacheslav Pivovarchik

By Manfred Möller,Vyacheslav Pivovarchik

The theoretical a part of this monograph examines the distribution of the spectrum of operator polynomials, targeting quadratic operator polynomials with discrete spectra. the second one half is dedicated to purposes. typical spectral difficulties in Hilbert areas are of the shape A-λI for an operator A, and self-adjoint operators are of specific curiosity and value, either theoretically and by way of purposes. A attribute characteristic of self-adjoint operators is that their spectra are actual, and lots of spectral difficulties in theoretical physics and engineering might be defined through the use of them. even though, a wide classification of difficulties, particularly vibration issues of boundary stipulations counting on the spectral parameter, are represented through operator polynomials which are quadratic within the eigenvalue parameter and whose coefficients are self-adjoint operators. The spectra of such operator polynomials are quite often not more actual, yet nonetheless convey yes styles. The distribution of those spectra is the main target of the current quantity. For a few periods of quadratic operator polynomials, inverse difficulties also are thought of. the relationship among the spectra of such quadratic operator polynomials and generalized Hermite-Biehler features is mentioned in detail.

Many functions are completely investigated, corresponding to the Regge challenge and damped vibrations of soft strings, Stieltjes strings, beams, celebrity graphs of strings and quantum graphs. a few chapters summarize complicated heritage fabric, that's supplemented with distinct proofs. in regards to the reader’s historical past wisdom, basically the fundamental houses of operators in Hilbert areas and famous effects from advanced research are assumed.

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