Harmonic Analysis of Mean Periodic Functions on Symmetric by Valery V. Volchkov,Vitaly V. Volchkov

By Valery V. Volchkov,Vitaly V. Volchkov

the idea of suggest periodic capabilities is a topic which matches again to works of Littlewood, Delsarte, John and that has gone through a full of life improvement in recent times. there was a lot growth in a few difficulties pertaining to neighborhood - pects of spectral research and spectral synthesis on homogeneous areas. The research oftheseproblemsturnsouttobecloselyrelatedtoavarietyofquestionsinharmonic research, advanced research, partial differential equations, imperative geometry, appr- imation concept, and different branches of up to date arithmetic. the current ebook describes fresh advances during this path of analysis. Symmetric areas and the Heisenberg team are an energetic ?eld of research at 2 the instant. the easiest examples of symmetric areas, the classical 2-sphere S 2 and the hyperbolic airplane H , play accepted roles in lots of components in arithmetic. The n Heisenberg groupH is a vital version for nilpotent teams, and effects got n forH may perhaps recommend effects that carry extra mostly for this crucial classification of Lie teams. the aim of this e-book is to strengthen harmonic research of suggest periodic features at the above spaces.

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