Copyright Law, Tenth Edition by Craig Joyce,Tyler T. Ochoa,Michael Carroll,Marshall

By Craig Joyce,Tyler T. Ochoa,Michael Carroll,Marshall Leaffer,Peter Jaszi
The 10th variation of Copyright Law beneficial properties 3 new relevant circumstances: the U.S. preferrred court docket judgements in Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons and Aereo, Inc. v. American Broadcasting Cos., and the second one Circuit’s choice in Authors Guild v. Google, Inc. (the “Google Books” case). It additionally includes a reorganization of bankruptcy 2, bringing a lot of Feist guides v. Rural mobile carrier Co. ahead, instead of deferring the total opinion to the top of bankruptcy three, as in prior variants. The authors have additionally revised and up to date the Notes and Questions all through, to mirror the prior 3 years of copyright case legislations.
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