Bio-Inspired Innovation and National Security - Biological by Department of Defense,National Defense University,U.S.

By Department of Defense,National Defense University,U.S. Military,Center for Technology and National Security Policy,Institute for National Strategic Studies
This quantity is set purposes of the organic sciences, right here known as "biologically encouraged innovations," to the army. instead of treating biology as a chain of threats to be handled, such thoughts normally technique the organic sciences as a suite of possibilities for the army to achieve strategic virtue over adversaries. those possibilities diversity from taking a look at every thing from genes to brains, from improving human functionality to making renewable strength, from sensing the surroundings round us to harnessing its power.
Topics coated comprise: organic war, biomolecular engineering, abiotic sensing, biosensors and bioelectronics, bioenergy, biotics, bio-inspired machines, DARPA, echolocating bats, neurobiotics, human purposes, metabolic engineering, bioethics, biotechnology, and more.
Contents: half one * views ON organic war * bankruptcy 1 * Biotech influence at the Warfighter * bankruptcy 2 * New organic Advances and army clinical Ethics * bankruptcy three * The existence Sciences, safeguard, and the problem of organic guns: an outline . * bankruptcy four * organic war: A Warfighting viewpoint * half * BIOMOLECULAR ENGINEERING * bankruptcy five * Abiotic Sensing * bankruptcy 6 * Biosensors and Bioelectronics * bankruptcy 7 * Bioenzymes and safety * bankruptcy eight * Bioenergy: Renewable Liquid Fuels * bankruptcy nine * Bio-inspired fabrics and Operations * half 3 * BIO-INSPIRED MACHINES * bankruptcy 10 * studying Unmanned motor vehicle keep an eye on from Echolocating Bats * bankruptcy eleven * Neurorobotics: Neurobiologically encouraged Robots * bankruptcy 12 * Biomimetic, Sociable Robots for Human-Robot interplay * bankruptcy thirteen * Biomechanically encouraged Robotics * bankruptcy 14 * organic Automata and nationwide safeguard * half 4 * HUMAN functions * bankruptcy 15 * more desirable Human functionality and Metabolic Engineering * bankruptcy sixteen * practical Neuroimaging in security coverage * bankruptcy 17 * Forging rigidity Resilience: construction mental Hardiness * bankruptcy 18 * Neuroplasticity, brain health, and army Effectiveness * bankruptcy 19 * Bio-inspired community technological know-how * half 5 * IMPLICATIONS FOR the dept OF safeguard * bankruptcy 20 * Ethics and the Biologized Battlefield: ethical concerns in 21st-century clash * bankruptcy 21 * felony matters Affecting Biotechnology * bankruptcy 22 * development the Nonmedical Bio crew for 2040
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