Noise Is More Than A Nuisance

I have noticed that as the world has become more wired, we have too. Many of us are a bit on edge most of the time. That is because there is noise wherever we go. At home, the TV is often on. At work, there are phones going off constantly as well as beeps and squeaks and all kinds of noise. We can be calm and relaxed and our phone goes off and we jump. We are conditioned to react whether it is a noise or a vibration.

Noise is more than an irritant. Researchers at Cornell University have studied the effects of noise pollution. They have found that noise increases the release of stress hormones. When this is continuous it can result in heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, sleep and musculoskeletal problems. Chronic stress can impair immunity. When it comes to work and school, children exposed to noise pollution may have problems with learning and delayed language skills. Workers may be less productive and have impaired thinking ability.

Since it looks like noise pollution is not going away, it is important to know how to deal with it. Turning off the television and putting on mellow music or playing the sound of waves or wind can eliminate home noise pollution. Talking to your employer and working together may help decrease office noise pollution.

Personally, you can help deal with noise stress by learning to relax with the help of deep breathing exercises, meditation and yoga. Try taking cell phone and computer breaks. Get out and walk in the park where it is quiet and filled with the sound of nature, which can be soothing. Stop the noise pollution in your life, take action and relax.

The More Things Change The More Things Stay The Same Part II

As a physician with conventional medical training, I often used to look at home remedies with skepticism. I have had several patients who have sworn that apple cider vinegar was good for whatever ailed them. Apple cider vinegar has been around for ages.Hippocrates used it to treat wounds; soldiers in the civil war used it for digestive problems and to prevent pneumonia and scurvy. Apparently Cleopatra used it to dissolve her pearls to make a love potion for Mark Antony.

Studies Showing Benefit

There have been recent studies done at the University of Arizona that have caused me to take a second look at apple cider vinegar. One study looked at 29 patients with either insulin resistance (prediabetes) or type 2 diabetes. They were given either a drink of vinegar, water and saccharine or placebo followed by a meal with 87 grams of carbohydrate. Compared to placebo, blood sugar decreased by 64% in the prediabetes group and 19% in the diabetes group.

Another study looked at weight loss in healthy women.The women were given a morning drink of vinegar or placebo followed by a bagel breakfast. Not only did the vinegar group have a 54% lower blood sugar one hour later, but they also consumed 11-16% fewer calories throughout the day.

Yet, another study found that taking a drink containing two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar along with eating one ounce of cheese before bedtime significantly lowered fasting blood sugars in the morning.

Some Cautions

There are potential safety and side effect issues. Obviously those allergic to apples need to avoid apple cider vinegar. Raw apple cider vinegar can contain bacteria, so it would be better to use the pasteurized form. Apple cider vinegar capsules can cause burning in the esophagus if they get lodged there. Apple cider vinegar can also irritate the stomach. There are potential drug interactions if a patient is taking digoxin, insulin or diuretics. Vinegar can lower potassium levels.


Of course, as with everything, moderation is the key. Taking a mixture of apple cider vinegar in juice or water in the morning may help with both blood sugar and weight control. It is important to discuss this with your doctor before you do it.

Ode To Dee

I need to work out to maintain and build muscle and to stay fit. Even though I know that, it is still hard to keep it up. When I used to go to the gym on my own I made up every excuse in the book to cut the workout short or I would forget about it altogether. That is why I decided to hire a trainer. Her name is Dee.

Dee is a slave driver. She pushes me beyond where I ever thought I would go. I complain, I whine, I scream, I tell her she is killing me, I call her the torture princess and she doesn’t care. She just smiles, points her finger at the machine and tells me to keep on going. If she actually listened to me and let me stop or slow down I would not be in very good shape. Thanks to her persistence and patience, I have continued to become more and more fit.

Everyone needs a Dee, especially when they reach and go beyond menopause. Our muscle mass goes down precipitously as we age and without weight training we risk bone loss, weight gain and general decline. If you cannot find a trainer, a friend will do. You just need someone who can keep you working out and provide encouragement.

I work out with Dee two hours a week and that seems to be about right for me. It is probably about all she can take since I am quite a vocal complainer (as you might have surmised from the above!). I am sure that I have scared away a few potential clients who were faint-hearted. Fortunately she knows that when all is said and done and I look at my body changes, I really appreciate her and of course my very strong “arms by Dee”.

Get A Leg Up On The Recession

For many, the recession is literally a killer. People are having difficulty meeting basic needs such as housing, food and medical care. It is easy to get discouraged and sit in front of the television and eat carbohydrates. Unfortunately, that will compound the problem. I see many patients who are discouraged and become sicker and deteriorate because of poor eating habits, smoking and lack of exercise.

If you are suffering as a result of the above, it is time to take action and become accountable for your own health. It doesn’t cost much in fact it could save you a lot of money. You need to get out and start moving. Avoid the junk food and quit smoking. If you have trouble finding or paying for medical care, you might want to avoid getting sick. The odds of being able to take control of your own health and your destiny increase when you eat a healthy diet, exercise, and adopt healthy behaviors. When you are fit, you are able to think more clearly and you have the energy to look at your options for improving your lot in life.

If the recession is getting you down and your health and wellbeing is suffering, it is time to take your life back. You can do it by taking it one step at a time.

The More Things Change, The More Things Stay The Same Part II

When I was growing up, my grandmother had a huge, heavy handbag. The reason I know this is because I was the designated shlepper of that handbag. Since that time, handbags have become purses and have gone through many size changes. We have seen the tiny purses; the medium purses, the backpack purses and we are now all lugging around the huge, heavy purses or handbags (which are really shoulder bags!) again. The more things change, the more things stay the same.

Designers are combining purses with computer bags, which can weigh up to ten pounds. As a result, doctors have been diagnosing women with shoulder strain because they are schlepping these bags. This can cause permanent shoulder damage and chronic pain. If women can keep their posture aligned while carrying their heavy bags, they have fewer problems. Those that do have shoulder pain may find relief with the use of anti-inflammatory medication, massage and physical therapy.

If you are a busy woman who keeps her closet, computer, and spare shoes in her purse, the best way to prevent this problem is to change things up. Keep your purse light and change the weight and size of the purse frequently. Be sensible and prevent “shlepper shoulder” today!

The Upside Of Social Media

We hear a lot about the dangers of social media. Texting and driving are a deadly mix. The Internet is keeping many people from exercising and engaging in face-to-face social interactions. There is no question that there is a down side to all this new technology. However, there is an up side.

A recent study done in England has found that texting smokers with motivational messages increased their chance of quitting by 10%. Even when they were given non-motivational messages their chance of quitting went up 5%.

Heart failure patients who email their weights and blood pressures for case management have an improved quality of life. Cognitive behavioral therapy for depression may be done via the Internet with good results. There are still many other studies that show that Internet interventions may be helpful to patients with chronic pain, headaches and irritable bowel syndrome.

When it comes to help on the street, there is an excellent phone application that is free, and offers aid on how to perform CPR as well as handle common emergencies. It is called S.O.S. and is sponsored by the American Red Cross and It is available at:

There are many programs available to guide people in healthy eating, weight loss and exercise to avoid the need for CPR and stay fit.

If we can utilize social media for good health and the health of others while avoiding the things that cause it to harm our health we can all benefit and thrive.

The More Things Change The More Things Stay The Same…

The story of castor oil is an interesting one. It comes from the seeds of the herb called Ricinus communis from Africa and India. My grandmother thought it was good for everything from constipation to achy joints.I thought it tasted horrible. In ancient Egypt it was used as a medicine and in the Middle Ages in Europe as well. The famous medical intuitive Edgar Cayce claimed it helped to heal lymph tissue in the small bowel and thus promoted tissue growth and repair in the body.

What is it being used for now? It might surprise you.Of course it is still used by some as a potent laxative. It is often used as a warm compress to promote lymph drainage in various body parts.

What is fascinating is that now oncologists are using castor oil to deliver chemotherapy to cancerous tumors. Unfortunately, it can cause allergic reactions. At the present time, scientists are studying ricin, which is a strong poison (the same compound used by terrorists) that comes from the castor bean. When combined with an antibody to protect healthy cells, it seems to be shrinking tumors in lymphoma patients.

Although castor oil has been around for ages it can cause problems and even death if not used properly and if given to pregnant and nursing women and small children and animals. It can cause abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and allergic reactions. Long-term use can result in fluid and electrolyte imbalances.It is important to talk to your doctor if you might want to take castor oil or use it as a compress.There are risks but who knows what other uses are in store for this very old herb?

I Love Lucy

As I was getting ready to walk my dog Lucy, it dawned on me that I have never been healthier. I owe some of the credit for this to her. Lucy is part basset hound and German shepherd. She is one of the funniest looking dogs on the planet. She has front legs that are shorter than her back legs and she doesn’t walk; she hops. Everyone who sees her starts smiling and laughing almost immediately.

She urinates on my husband’s pillow when she gets angry with him (because he is the disciplinarian) , and one time she got so angry that she moved half his clothes out onto the deck through an open window. But, she is loving, always happy to see us, and she makes us laugh when we are sad. She puts her funny looking head in my lap whenever I am upset and I feel better. She also has a negative trait that has worked in my favor; she is incredibly demanding. I call her the entitlement princess, because she harasses me to take her on at least three walks a day. I have concluded that Lucy is good for my health.

Research confirms my conclusion. Studies have found that those who own a pet have lower blood pressure and less anxiety than non-pet owners. Dogs and cats improve feelings of loneliness and isolation. Pets decrease the chance that children will develop allergies and asthma, and they are a great way for people to get out and mingle. Alzheimer’s patients with pets are less likely to have anxious outbursts. Heart attack patients with pets live longer than those without pets.

If you are looking for a miracle treatment that will get you exercising, lower your blood pressure, calm your nerves and increase long-term survival you can find it at your local humane society. My miracle therapy is named Lucy. What is the name of yours?

Are You Angry?

Have you ever had one of those weeks where every step you take, something or someone is making you angry? I was having one of those weeks until I heard a quote on a daytime talk show taken from St. Augustine: “Resentment and anger is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die”. First, this wisdom immediately deflated my anger and then it led me to question the point of anger in the first place.

Anger has been with us since the beginning of mankind. The emotion of anger has intrinsically been an impetus for change. It may cause discomfort, however when dealt with constructively, it moves us to act and improve the circumstance causing the discomfort. When dealt with destructively, anger can cause violence, self-loathing and depression.

As a physician, I see the physical effects of this on a daily basis. Depression, heart disease, and obesity (that can cause diabetes, high blood pressure and certain cancers) can often result from prolonged anger, resentment and hostility. Many patients I see heal and improve when we address the underlying anger and resentment in their lives.

With all that is going on in the world right now, it seems there is anger at every turn. The media is busy reporting various feuds; politicians are angry with one another, and the opposing parties. Staffers are walking out en mass in protest of their candidate. Doctors are angry with insurance companies, and patients are angry because they are not getting what they want from their doctors.

I think if we all stopped for a moment when we become angry and truly thought about what was going on internally, we could make great changes in ourselves and in the world. If we find that anger is consuming us, it is time to get help before it destroys us.

“The best work of the world is done in the tension between anger and control.” ~ G. Stanley Hall

June is Fruits and Vegetables Month

In honor of this, let me tell you some things you may not know about two popular fruits. They taste great and may even help you to lose weight. Let’s start with my favorite, grapefruit. Then we will move on to raspberries.

Grapefruit has many of the vitamins of the other citrus fruits but is has a lower Glycemic Index. That means that sugar is released slowly in the body rather than in one quick rush.

The results of a 12-week study linking grapefruit to weight loss done at the Scripps Clinic in 2004 put 100 men and women on a diet that included half a grapefruit or grapefruit juice three times a day with a meal. The average weight loss was 3.6 pounds for those who ate their grapefruit, 3.3 pounds for those who drank it. However, many reportedly lost more than 10 pounds. Grapefruit has chemicals that may lower insulin levels and expedite weight loss. The only problem with it is that it can interact with certain medications. It is important to check with your doctor or pharmacist to find out if you are on any of these medications. If so, you need to avoid it. (Sorry about that)

Raspberries are rich in antioxidants. Eating three or more servings per week have been found to lower the risk for age related macular degeneration. The anthocyanins (important antioxidants) in raspberries have been found to delay the effect of aging. Although raspberries contain sugar it does not seem to affect blood sugar in a significant way. Red raspberry ketones are currently being used in Japan as a weight loss supplement. Red raspberry seed oil has attracted the interest of the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries because it is rich in Vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acid and has a sun protection factor (SPF) of 24-50.

Celebrate this month by eating your favorite fruit or vegetable and enjoy!

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