Healthy Aging: Why Don’t We Know More?
Last week a study was presented that claimed to have found a blood test (anti-mullerian hormone) and statistical model that can predict menopause within four months. I found the news very exciting. For baby boomers like myself the idea of knowing when we can use our Tampax and Kotex budget for something else is really exciting. When I mentioned it to younger women, they were surprised that I found the news so wonderful. When I pointed out the relevance to their lives they realized that it is also important for them. When you are in your 20’s, the idea of having children is often just a passing thought. As women move into their 30’s and the biological clock starts ticking loudly, it is a different matter. The beauty of knowing when you will go through menopause will allow women to plan when they might want to think about having children. Some women go through menopause early and for them the information could be invaluable.
As part of this discussion I was asked why we (in medicine) do not know more about aging. It took me a second, but the truth is that this whole concept of aging is a relatively new one. In 1900 the average life span for men was 46 years and for women was 48 years. Living beyond that into the 70 and 80 year range was an anomaly. Is it any wonder that we don’t know everything there is to know about aging? We are only one of a few generations who are experiencing it. As we all go through it we are learning more and more. One thing remains true as it has throughout the ages and before modern medicine. There is no substitute for the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Exercise, healthy eating, managing stress, maintaining fitness and a healthy weight are the keys to healthy aging.
My mother started exercising, eating healthy, avoiding red meat and maintaining her fitness at an early age before it was fashionable and before there were gyms to go to. No one would ever guess her age (don’t you dare try either!) and few can keep up with her. We can all learn from her experience. The secret to a healthy life is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, which is simple yet for some hard to do. No matter how old you are it is never too late to turn it around. The key is to just do it!
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