Heart disease is the NUMBER ONE cause of death in this country, and that includes for us women! And one of the most important things to know about heart disease is that in most cases it is preventable. Because we know the factors that put us at risk for heart disease, many of which are related to choices we make in our own lifestyles, we can learn how to prevent this deadly disease.

This Friday, February 6, 2009, like the other first Fridays in February in prior years, is Wear Red Day.  The reason for this is to raise awareness about heart disease, especially in women.  That is not to say that men shouldn’t be aware of it as well, it’s just that for so many years, women didn’t think heart disease was a woman’s problem. IT IS. 

In the coming weeks of February, we are going to go over each of the risk factors for heart disease and how many of them can be changed. As you know, if you’ve read our book and/or have kept up with our blog here, we believe that knowledge is the ultimate power. If you learn about those things that can lead to various diseases, and then change those factors, your life can not only be a long one, but a healthy and vibrant one!

For starters this week, do two things. 

Read the part of our chapter on heart disease that is on this website by going back to the Home page, and clicking on the “Excerpt” page. Then click on “Chapter 3”.

The second thing you should definitely do this week? WEAR RED ON FRIDAY!  And when you  see friends, neighbors, family and coworkers, tell them why you are wearing red and why they need to learn about heart disease too.