Double Jeopardy: More on Flu Season and the TWO Flu Viruses To Watch Out for
The FDA just approved the H1N1 influenza (Swine flu) vaccine, and the companies making it say that it will be available to pass out to local health agencies in 2 weeks. The seasonal flu vaccine should be available from doctors’ offices, clinics and other commercial places sometime in October.
Here, again, is what you need to know about flu season this year.
1) The H1N1 (Swine) flu virus was first seen causing infections last spring, continued throughout the summer, and is supposed to cause even more infections this fall.
2) The Swine flu has been infecting children and young adults much more frequently than adults. This is thought to be due to the fact that we older folks have some immunity to Swine flus in general because of having been exposed to it years ago.
3) The Swine flu vaccine will only be distributed by the Federal Government to local health agencies. They will then make it available to those most likely to get infected (see prior blog for a listing of who this includes) FIRST, and then, to everyone as supplies last.
4) The Swine flu vaccine should be available in 2 weeks. Ask your doctor IF and WHERE you should get it. Also, do make sure your kids get it, as their doctors recommend.
5) The regular flu, known as “seasonal” flu will be present this year IN ADDITION to the Swine flu. It usually infects mostly older people and the youngest of children.
6) The seasonal flu vaccine should be available sometime in October. It will be available through doctors’ offices and other commercial clinics.
7) BE AWARE of the things that can spread the flu(s). WASH YOUR HANDS; STAY HOME IF YOU HAVE FLU SYMPTOMS.
STAY HEALTHY now by eating well, exercising regularly, and taking your prescribed medications regularly.
See the blog just prior to this one for more information on this year’s 2 flu viruses.
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