Trauma is more common than you may think. Sixty percent of men and 50% of women have experienced at least one traumatic event in their lifetime. It can be due to sexual assault, suffering an injury, witnessing violence, and fighting in the military (just to give a few examples). Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) occurs in a certain percentage of those who experience trauma. When it comes to our soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan 11-20% are affected. Thirty percent of Vietnam veterans suffer from PTSD.

I have many patients who have this potentially crippling disorder. Symptoms can include nightmares; insomnia, anxiety and depression, headaches, joint and belly pain just to name a few. Most experience emotional pain and suffering on a daily basis.

Fortunately, I have found a treatment that has worked on ALL of those who are willing to do it. It is called EMDR or eye movement desensitization reprocessing. It is quick, safe and effective. Most of my patients only need a total of four treatments. It is remarkable. What is this treatment? Read on.

In 1987, Dr Francine Shapiro, a psychologist realized that eye movements can diminish the intensity of disturbing thoughts. She found that utilizing this observation she could treat PTSD with a specific protocol involving eye movements and or tapping.

EMDR is able to change the way that we process painful and traumatic memories. Subjects will still remember the events but without the emotional attachment. I have a great therapist to whom I refer the majority of my patients. The way she explains it is as if you are driving a flat bed truck. All your emotional baggage is in the back of that truck. You leave the bed down and start to drive. Watching in the rearview mirror you can see the stuff flying out the back. You just keep on driving and leave it there.

I have seen remarkable changes. I know it sounds like voodoo. But it is a very effective therapy. There have been at least 20 controlled studies done on EMDR. A study done at Kaiser Permanente found that 100% of those suffering a single trauma and 77% with a history of multiple traumas no longer had PTSD. They were treated for only six 50- minute sessions. In another study, 77% of combat veterans no longer suffered from PTSD after 12 sessions.

EMDR is now an established therapy that is done by psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists who have received special training. The biggest challenge I have had is convincing my patients to try it. Once they do it, the results are nothing short of a miracle.

If you or someone you know is suffering with PTSD you might want to look into finding a therapist who does EMDR. There is an EMDR network ( that can help you to find a therapist in your area. Your primary care provider may also be able to help your search.